S&S Farm / Trey & Cash / Equine PhotographyThis is my nephew Trey Cranford, and his horse Cash. Trey is 15 years old, and has been riding and taking lessons here at S&S Farm for a couple years to get him ready to rodeo. He's about to enter his second year with Carolina Youth Rodeo Association. He started out entering in Chute Dogging and is about to do more barrel racing & pole bending. His horse Cash, is a 25 year old retired 1D (used to be very fast) barrel horse. With Trey on his back, he knows to take it easy, and he has been a great friend and teacher to Trey. They trot or lope around the pattern, Cash never gets too excited or goes much over a lope, even though Trey tries to get more speed from him. It's funny when a good horse can tell if theres a kid on his back. They just take care of them. Tonight after Trey's little mini photo session, he practiced and exercised his horse with my girls. Trey got a little rough in Cash's mouth one too many times and Cash gave Trey a few "warning" bucks. Trey wasn't upset, he realized where he went wrong. I was proud of Trey because he didn't give up. He eased up on him and kept trying. It did scare him a little, but there's no better way to learn than from your mistakes. Animals are sometimes the best teachers.
"It's not about being the best, it's about being better than you were yesterday"
Equine Photography,
Family Photography
That was a great read! Im so proud of Trey and his hard work. Hes a real cowboy!
Ivy Holmes(non-registered)
I sure do miss Trey! Tell him I'm super proud of him and can't believe how much he's grown as a teenager and a horseman! I definetry need to come watch him ride.
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